Also worth bearing in mind they're more accurate around the middle of their range than at either end of the scale.
johnnyboy666 - Member
Oh and leave your torque wrench on it's lowest setting when not in use.
Yeah. That I didn't know to do this with the Halfords one for the first ten years I had it was why it was such a surprise to find it still calibrated. Must have a very sturdy spring in it.
I use torque wrenches on most bike things now - as a teenager I way over-tightened everything, and nowadays I find that if I go by feel I under-tighten. Where the bolt is on the bike and how I have to orient my arm to get to it make a massive difference to how much torque it feels like I'm putting in. 15Nm on a seat rail clamp feels more like 25Nm does on a different part of the bike.